oral health

Your essential guide to adult brace care

adult brace care
Posted by webmaster

If you’re undergoing braces treatment as an adult, then chances are it is just one of many things you are currently doing. It can be difficult to get the balance right when you’re juggling many plates, but ensuring you look after your braces will help you to get the results you want from your treatment. To help you take great care of your appliance, there are some helpful tips on adult brace care below. 

Cleaning your teeth properly with fixed braces 

When wearing fixed braces it is easy for food particles to become lodged in between the brackets or wires and your teeth, which means you need to take extra care of your oral health for the duration of your teeth straightening treatment.  Here are a few tips to help you clean your teeth effectively whilst wearing fixed braces: 

  • Brush your teeth 3 times a day – an hour after meals and before you go to bed. 
  • Brush above, on and below your brace. 
  • Brush all of the surfaces of your teeth with a gentle circular motion if using a manual toothbrush, or hold your electric toothbrush on each tooth surface towards the gum and let the brush do the hard work. 
  • Use a small interdental brush to clean in and around every bracket, pointing the brush away from the gums so you don’t damage them. 

Brushing the teeth and gums regularly helps to avoid layers of bacteria forming on the surface of the teeth. This is known as plaque, and if left untreated, can lead to tooth decay. As it’s easier for bacteria to build up when wearing fixed braces, simply because brushing all surfaces of each tooth is more difficult, it is also advisable to cut down on sugary foods and drinks whilst undergoing teeth straightening treatment. 

Cleaning invisible aligners 

If your adult brace treatment involves invisible aligners then the good news is that these are the easiest braces to clean! You’ll be getting a new set of aligners every two weeks throughout your treatment, to gradually move your teeth into the new position, but in order to keep your teeth and gums healthy, you’ll want to keep these aligners clean. Your oral health routine during invisible aligner treatment is much the same as normal, as you can remove your aligners to brush and floss. However, in addition to cleaning your teeth and gums you’ll also need to clean your aligners. 

Here are a few tips to keep your aligners clean: 

  • Rinse your aligners every night. 
  • Brush them with a soft bristled toothbrush (not the one you use for your teeth) and some gentle soap (not toothpaste) to remove any debris. 
  • Rinse the aligners after brushing. 
  • Store your aligners in a protective case when not in use. 

Now that you know a little more about adult brace care, hopefully you’re better prepared for your own teeth straightening treatment and can take the right steps to look after your teeth and gums during treatment to get the results you want. 

For more advice on maintaining good oral hygiene when wearing braces you can visit Marsh House Orthodontics, as they have lots of helpful adult brace care information on their blog. 

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