oral health

Is Invisalign better than braces?

invisalign orthodontic braces
Posted by webmaster

Invisalign orthodontic braces are often touted as the best tooth straightening option, but are they right for you? And how does Invisalign work? Read on to find out Invisalign tips and more.  

‘Is Invisalign better than braces?’ Is one of the most asked questions by people looking for teeth straightening treatment. The answer is, it depends on a few things. Invisible orthodontic braces offer a number of benefits over traditional metal braces, and we’ll outline them here to help inform your decision. Before we get into answering ‘is Invisalign better than braces’, we’ll answer the basics, including ‘how does Invisalign work?’ 

How does Invisalign work? 

Invisalign orthodontic braces work by using a set of clear plastic aligners that push the teeth into the desired position. At your first consultation with an Invisalign dentist, you’ll have a thorough assessment and intraoral scan to make your custom-fit aligners. You’ll then change the aligners every couple of weeks until you reach the end of your treatment. 

Are Invisalign orthodontic braces quicker than traditional metal braces? 

In recent years, there has been a huge technical improvement in invisible orthodontic braces, and Invisalign is right at the forefront of that technology. While metal braces can take around three years to fully align your teeth, Invisalign is often much quicker. However, this does depend on a few factors, such as how much your teeth need to move and the complexity of your bite. When you meet with an Invisalign dentist, you’ll get a clearer picture of how long your proposed treatment will take. 

So, is Invisalign better than braces? 

Invisalign is often a quicker, more cost-effective option that offers the ultimate convenience. Rather than having braces attached to your teeth 100 per cent of the time, you’ll be able to remove them to eat and clean all areas of your teeth effectively. You’ll also be able to clean your teeth more effectively, and have less opportunity for stains to form. With metal braces, plaque can build up around the ligatures, leaving you open to getting dental problems.  

Overall, Invisalign is one of the best teeth straightening options out there, and offers a host of benefits not found with metal braces. The first step is to book an appointment with an Invisalign dentist to discuss your treatment options and help determine whether Invisalign is better than braces for you.  

Invisalign tips 

If you do go ahead with Invisalign, there are some basic tips to help you through your treatment, including: 

  • Stick with drinking water, and take your aligners out if you drink anything else. 
  • To get the optimum tooth straightening time, wear your aligners for at least 20 hours a day. 
  • Put your retainers in their case when not in use to stop them getting damaged. 
  • Brush your teeth after every meal and before putting your retainers back on. 
  • Keep track of your Invisalign schedule, and let your Invisalign dentist know if you’re not going to be able to make an appointment. 
  • Hold on to previous sets of aligners in case you lose your current set. 
  • Keep your aligners clean, brush them in the same way you’d brush your teeth. 
  • Use a retainer when you’ve finished treatment to help maintain your straight smile for longer. 

If you’ve decided to go ahead with Invisalign, are looking for more Invisalign tips, or are still wondering ‘how does Invisalign work’, get in touch with a reputable Invisalign dentist who can help you on your way to a straighter smile.  

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