oral health

How having straighter teeth can improve your overall health

having straighter teeth to improve overall health
Posted by webmaster

Having your teeth straightened doesn’t simply benefit your appearance, it also has other benefits, too.  Read on to find out more. 

If you’ve been contemplating having your teeth straightened, you’re not alone. Thousands of adults around the country are in the midst of orthodontic treatment in a bid to improve their smiles. Having your teeth straightened doesn’t simply improve your aesthetic, it also has a host of other health benefits, too.  

The quest for straighter teeth – how it can improve your health 

Straighter teeth reduce infection risk

Having your teeth straightened means there is less opportunity for debris to collect in hard-to-reach areas. In turn, this reduces infection risk. Tooth infections can be particularly troublesome, making you feel feverish and unwell. This is often the case when a tooth infection has led to an abscess, decay or gum disease. By investing in your smile and having straighter teeth, you’re also investing in your oral health and reducing the risk of infection. 

It’s easier to clean straight teeth

Overcrowded teeth often have no or very small gaps in between them, making it almost impossible to clean them thoroughly. Sometimes, even the smallest interdental brush or finest flossing tape cannot access certain areas, leaving them vulnerable to decay. When you have straighter teeth, cleaning your teeth is a much easier process, as you can access all areas. 

Having your teeth straightened means fewer jaw problems

Crooked teeth can increase the risk of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. The TMJ acts like a sliding hinge, connecting your jawbone to your skull. TMJ disorders can cause pain in your jaw joint and cause problems with the movement of your jaw muscles. Having straighter teeth is one of the ways to reduce the risk of getting TMJ disorders. 

Straight teeth deteriorate less quickly

When your teeth are overcrowded or misaligned, they can wear down more than usual. They are also at risk of cracking more because the force from normal daily activities like chewing is not distributed evenly. Having your teeth straightened improves your ‘bite’, and makes your teeth wear more evenly. 

Having straighter teeth can improve your mental health

If you’re conscious of your crooked teeth, it can have a serious impact on your confidence and mental health. From being afraid to smile to being anxious about people looking at your teeth when you’re talking, misaligned teeth can dent your confidence. Many people who undergo orthodontic treatment feel more confident post treatment, thereby positively impacting their mental health. 

Straight teeth improve overall health

Poor oral hygiene can lead to heart disease, stroke, tooth loss and more. By taking control of your oral hygiene and investing in teeth straightening, you are making a positive step to protect your overall health. While we cannot always prevent certain health conditions, taking all the steps we can to prevent them can lead to a longer, healthier life. To begin your tooth straightening journey, speak to a reputable dentist or orthodontist like Basingstoke-based Dentalia. 

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